Thursday, February 13, 2020

Consultation is a core competency of graduate nursing Essay

Consultation is a core competency of graduate nursing - Essay Example It is based on this that consultation and supervision have both been considered very important in nursing training. Differencing between the two, Smith, Atherly, Kane & Pacala (2007) indicated that supervision is hierarchical while consultation is mutual. What this implies is that in terms of supervision, there is always someone of higher experience and competence who offers guidance to another person of lower pedigree of learning. Because of this, it is very common to realise supervision comes with compliance with directors that are given by the supervisor or person of higher learning, considered being an authority. Consultation has however been noted to be different because in consultation, there is mutual learning between people considered to be at par in terms of knowledge, experience and practice (Chauncey, 1995). In line with this, consultation is only considered to be a risk management tool which does not come with much obligation but based on professional judgment of the lear ner. Consultation and collaboration are two other terms that are also used interchangeably. Between collaboration and consultation on one side and consultation and supervision on another side, Brykczynski (2009) noted that consultation and collaboration are more synonymous than consultation and supervision. This is because in both consultation and collaboration, there is high level of personalized cooperation than the type of compliance that is experienced with supervision. In effect, both consultation and collaboration can be said to take place among people with relatively same level of experience, competence and knowledge. It would therefore be right to argue that both consultation and collaboration is peer based rather than hierarchical. The similarities notwithstanding, consultation and collaboration must not be taken to be exactly the same thing. This is because in consultation, there is often a rationale for one person to seek part of what another person has. But in

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Critically analyse the the Mosaic and new Covenants, showing their Essay

Critically analyse the the Mosaic and new Covenants, showing their relationship to the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ - Essay Example zing the Mosaic and new covenants in relation to death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, let us first comprehend what a covenant is in biblical stipulations. A covenant is only a formal treaty between at least two parties amongst the agreed sides. According to the Hebrew Bible, a covenant is used in translating the Hebrew word birth (ב× ¨Ã—™× ª) Meaning covenant cutting or cutting in referral to sacrificing (Barr, 1999: 4-17). The scriptures had three major covenants namely, the covenant of Abraham, the old covenant and lastly the new covenant. In all three covenants, it is clear that God is the dominant party in his quest to establish a covenant with all his creation. It is vital to acknowledge that God’s covenant reveals his will; hence allowing humanity to look no further in order to understand God’s desires. Both the Mosaic and new covenants show how God is ready to reunite with humankind. Understanding the covenants is important in knowing a detailed between God and the Hebrews, in the Old Testament. The old covenants are found in the Old Testament; they include the covenant of Abraham and the covenant of Mosaic. The Covenant of Abraham was formed between God (YHWH) and Abram. Moreover, according to (Genesis 12:1), the covenants terms are handed to Abram when God commands him to leave his homeland Ur, to a new place. According to the scriptures of Genesis 17:9-14, Abraham is told by God to circumcise all male offspring as a symbol of the agreement. In return for Abraham’s obedience as well as that of his descendants, God’s promise to Abraham is that of making a great nation, as well as having many blessings (Pate, 2004: 29). The second main covenant found in the Old Testament is that of the Mosaic Covenant. Exodus 19 through to chapter 24 shows that the covenant has the basis for the Torah and is the promise of God to make Israel the chosen land (Exodus 19:5-5) as long as terms of the covenant are preserved. The covenants basic terms included